MED INTERNATIONAL S.A is a company that designs,packs and markets olive oil,olive oil food condiment with spices and aromas,labels and markets vinegar and also commercializes other food products.

It has developed,introduced and is maintaining its Quality and Food Safety Management System,basing it on the rule UNE-EN ISO 9001:2015 and its Food Safety Management System,carrying out the requirements of the Global Standard for Food Safety in its 7th edition,of the British Retail Consortium.

MED INTERNATIONAL S.A is committed to elaborating products that fulfill the specified quality, safe from the point of view of the food safety and to fulfilling requirements to which its products are subject, assuming this responsibility before the consumers.

The company´s management is committed to the HACCP food security learn and supports it in the optimum fulfillment of its functions.

Some of its quality and food safety objectives are:

- Satisfying the clients´ need.

- Improving continually the effectiveness of its Quality and Food Safety Management System.

- Involving and motivating the staff in order to obtain their active and creative participation in the management of the quality and food safety system.

To achieve these objectives the management of MED INTERNATIONAL S.A commits to:

- Introduce this Quality and Food Safety Policy in the company.

- Meet the requirements of this Quality and Food Safety Management System.

- Ensure the professional training of the staff in the tasks assigned to them, promoting the continuous training.

- Incorporate in the company the necessary resources to guarantee our products fulfill the current rules.

- Provide the necessary materials and technical resources to control the Quality and Food Safety Management System and realize periodic checks to ensure its evolution, adaptation and continuous improvement.

- Promote a teamwork attitude with adequate, fluent channels of communication that guarantee the effectiveness of Quality and Food Safety Management System.

This requires the commitment of all company members, with the management at the front, of putting quality and food safety before any other determinant, as well as doing regular the philosophy of doing things “right the first time”.

This Quality and Food Safety Policy has been communicated to all members of MED INTERNATIONAL S.A and also, understood by them.

The board of directors of MED INTERNATIONAL S.A announces through internal communication to all the staff of Med International S.A the Quality and Food Safety Policy of the company, which includes the general quality and food safety objectives.

Furthermore it will maintain it exposed and documented in visible places of its workplaces.